Wednesday 16 April 2008

Teaching in Slobada...

We wrapped up today after 3 days of teaching to 8th to 11th grade students at Slobada, a little village about 20 min. away from Kaharlyk. We opened with question and answer time in the beginning then went straight into hard truth teaching about pornagraphy (which is as easy to get here like buying bread...a staple every family has). The issue on abortion is so real and rampant here. Families are brought up believing that if you're pregnant you just go to the local hopsital and abort. The Dr.s here also tell the young girls to 'have' sex to increase their testostrone. The Pastor's wife said there's a general belief that the body NEEDS sex so no matter what the they engage. Absurd lies!

Ukraine is 6th in the world for abortions and the leading European country. Never, ever, have parents, students or teachers heard a pro-life message. This country has been over 70 years atheist. Our Parent Teaching, which is tomorrow at 12-2 will be a challenge & it'll be only God who can lift the veil over the eyes to hear and know the truth of the miracle of life in the womb.

When I was last here I met with the Mayor's Assistant and he has organized this Parent Teaching at the Culture Center. Check out how! This is a mandatory meeting for the White House! Funny name they call their white building which is the Regional Building where teachers, counselors, and educational staff work.

Brandon and I will teach most of what we taught students...abstienece until marriage, sanctity of life and the knowledge of how and why to wait. Oh, please pray for the parents to be able to come alongside their son or daughter IF they ever become pregnant vs. the easy way of driving them to the local hospital and having their grandchild become a statistic.

At the end we passed out flyers to the students about Brandon's concert which will be in Kaharlyk on Friday in the Culture Center. This concert is following the Awards Ceremony at the local high schools. Brandon had the students repeat a part of the chorus "The Rep" which is his name (meaning a REPresentative of Christ). We owe this whole trip to the Lord and how He worked through His Word and prayer moving on the heart of Micah & Christy Claycamp, missionaries in Ukraine.

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