Thursday 17 April 2008

Talking to the Parents...

Brandon & I spoke to parents about the sanctity of life to break the bondage that "it's just a blob of cells" and bring truth it's a miracle of life in the womb. We were able to pass around amazing fetal models in a black velvet box with 4 models representing 7weeks, 8weeks, 9weeks, and 10weeks. IT"S A BABY! A real 10 weeks there is a heart beat, brain waves and finger prints. I love sharing this truth and setting captives free.

By sharing personal testimonies, skits, stories, statistics both in America and Ukraine their eyes become open and hearts tender to receive truth. Olya, Pastors Wife, said out of everything we're doing here in Kaharlyk 'this' is the most important. This will have the biggest impact for the church. We were able to plug the parents, teachers, and officails into Calvary Chapel Kaharlyk and bridge the judgement gap.

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