Wednesday 21 November 2007

first day in Ukraine...

Well, last night Pastor Wayne (an Aussie) and his wife Olya (she's Ukrainan) came over to welcome me to Ukraine. We discussed the schedule they advised me on how to make the presentation relevant. I got stats on abortion, aids, stds, etc for the presentation. Olya told me that 10 years ago they tried to get into the schools to teach English but got kicked out, so this is really an amazing thing to be able to start this for the 1st time EVER!

Micah will be going to all of the presentations with me so that the kids know him as the youth pastor and contact in town. It's all about relationship building.

We had a prayer time which was SO humbling for me just to be a part of what God is doing. This blows me away.

I have a schedule for the week. This morning my first school is at 12:30 for 2 classes at 2 hrs. each. That'll be challenging but in GOD we trust.

Here's some stats about Ukraine:
• 60,000 peoople infected by HIV virus, but real figure is probably 400,000
• 1996 20,000 infected with HIV and projected deaths by 2016 (8 more years) 800,000
• 2002 Ukraine has become Eupopean leader in HIV infection...over 80,000 registered HIV positive people
• Eastern Europe has the highest proportion of pregnancies ended by abortion 65% Ukraine 57%
• Ukraine has 1.6 million abortions per year; it's the 6th highest in the world!!!

I ate Borshcht last night made from a local Ukrainian mom. It is a soup made with
cabbage, beets and pork. Micah and Christy hired her to cook 3 meals a week which brings some income for her. It was really yummy.

Micah & Wayne do have a vision of starting up a coffee house for the
community and to just love on the people. These Ukrainians don't know
what a Christian is so modeling it is where it all starts.

more later....

much love!

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